Missed Appointments
Please do let us know if you cannot make your doctor or nurse appointment. Appointments can be cancelled via the telephone or via our online services.
In recent months, an average of 233 people failed to attend appointments here at Grove Surgery. These slots could have been taken by other patients.
If you have a mobile telephone number then you will receive a text reminder of your forthcoming appointment. If we do not have your latest contact details, then please let us know.
Failure to Attend Pre-Booked Appointments
Due to an increase in the number of wasted appointments through patients failing to attend appointments without informing the surgery, it has become necessary to introduce the following policy.
If a patient fails to attend a pre-booked appointment on more than three occasions in the year, a warning letter will be sent to the patient, advising them that a further occurrence could risk removal from the practice.
Warning letters are valid for a period of 12 months. Removal based on warnings greater than 12 months old will be invalid. In this case, a further formal warning and period of grace will be required.
If the patient fails to attend another appointment, the matter will be discussed at a practice meeting and a majority agreement will be reached as to whether the patient will be removed from the practice list. Following agreement, the practice manager will write to the patient and explain the reasons for their removal from the practice list.